Wednesday, January 1, 2020

PLANET THOMPS to launch in 2020!

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge film geek. Movies have been my passion ever since I could remember. My earliest movie going experiences included Toy Story 2, The Grinch (featuring Jim Carrey's memorably zany performance), Sam Raimi's original Spider-Man and of course, Star Wars. These are the movies that sparked my profound interest in film and the worlds they create. Though some may not see it, there is quite a bit of magic in the air every time I sit in a dim theater and the picture comes up transporting me someplace else, leaving the real world behind if only for a few hours. Part of the magic about it for me is often times watching others' reactions to a movie, later to discuss with friends and strangers afterwards. Whether we agree or disagree, it doesn't matter to me. Film can bring people together in strange ways.

It is for that reason in 2014 I launched Not Too Shabby News, later NTSFilm, to share my opinions on film with a wider variety of people. The pages ran on Instagram and Facebook for two years before life decided to intervene, and I had to shut them down to focus on some more important matters. Life, inevitably, is a series of ups and downs and I've been lucky enough to have a very supportive group of people in my life who encourage me to be my best in all that I do. It is with that I announce I am bringing the film blog back!

PLANET THOMPS will be a brand new film blog that I'll be keeping up to date as often as I can. There will be movie and television series reviews, along with news stories and soon (hopefully) I'll get the vlog going again. Keep your eye on this space and on my Facebook for more updates.

I want to wish you all the happiest of new years. It's a new decade, let's make new rules!

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